Saturday, March 18, 2017

SP Utility Bill

In today's post, I thought I'll share with you my monthly utility bill. So for month of February 2017, my bill was around SGD70. Usually I try to keep it below SGD80 per month. And thanks to Singapore Powers, you can actually analyse your usage with your neighbours and national average. They even measure you against efficient target, and apparently we're not doing too badly.

Mainly me and my husband currently work full time, so weekdays are spend mainly in the office. If I retire, I would be spending more time at home cooking, so most probably the bill would go up some what. Even when my parents visited us, it is usually not more than SGD120 a month. 

Our home is fully air-con, but we hardly turn it on. In fact, I usually on it during Hungry Ghost Festival cause I can't stand the smell of smoked coming in from outside. Usually if the night temperature exceed 30 degrees Celsius, then air con is being used. 

For our gardening, we used recycle water from our sink. We also have a water outlet on top of our toilet flush, so you can wash your hand and the water is being used to flush the toilet. It's supposed to save water. 

At the beginning after we moved in, we've also changed all bulbs to light saving bulb, and have a table lamp with soft lighting in almost all the rooms at home. It give a warm yellow lighting at night, and save a lot on bills! Previously our bills were usually around SGD80+ nearer to SGD90. But now, it is significantly lower. I also unplug appliance that we don't use so often.

For hot drinking water, we only boil whatever we need to consume as and when, and whatever left over is put into our cold water container. We do have an oven, a bread maker, a toaster/waffle maker , hot water heater etc. All things that uses high electricity. But we don't use hair dryer, wash dryer, or iron. 

I do think that new technology do help cut down the bill. Example would be efficient light bulb, newer fridge model, plasma TV. So do keep your things in good maintenance always!

As compare to average household, I guess our bills is rather low. I'm not complaining. I'm just sharing so that you can also compare how efficient your household is. Every quarterly or so, we also get rebate from the government. I have gotten a few bills before where my bill is actually in the negative range! Lol.  

My goal is to keep it below SGD100 a month, cause when I retire, I only budget myself that much for utilities, and that includes my mobile bill (if I still maintain a phone that is). 

To check your bill online, you can do so at Singapore Utilities Portal.

Just to share, in Malaysia, my aunt's utility bill is almost always free every month! This is because in Malaysia, if your bill is below a certain amount, it is free. The government consider this a poverty level, and I think that is so awesome! Especially if you plan to retire in Malaysia! (although I think this may only apply to Malaysian). So what my aunt does is, she doesn't really on the fan as she has a windy balcony facing the sea. She also doesn't cook, and doesn't have much electrical appliances at home. 

I wish Singapore have such incentives. That could encourage people to be more efficient, and it would defiantly help those people more in need. Just a thought.

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